Cat Adoption, Cat Breeds

10 Low-Maintenance Cat Breeds for Busy People

Child with cat

Cats make excellent friends, but they can also be very labor-intensive. A high-maintenance cat might not be something you have the time or energy to care for if you have a hectic schedule. Therefore, picking a breed of low-maintenance cat is crucial.

The following list of 10 low-maintenance cat breeds is ideal for busy people:



1. American Shorthair

One of the most popular cat breeds worldwide is the American Shorthair. They are renowned for their pleasant dispositions, strong bodies, and short, thick coats. American Shorthair cats require little upkeep. They just require weekly brushing and an occasional bath. Additionally, they are generally healthy cats who don’t need a lot of veterinary attention.

British Shorthair

British Shorthair

2. British Shorthair

Among cat breeds, British Shorthairs are also well-liked. They are renowned for their placid dispositions, round features, and short, dense coats. British Shorthair cats require less upkeep as well. They just require weekly brushing and an occasional bath. Additionally, they are generally healthy cats who don’t need a lot of veterinary attention.


3. Sphynx

Sphynx cats are fur-free felines. Their huge ears, wrinkly skin, and jovial demeanor are well known. Sphynx cats require less upkeep. They do not require brushing, but they do require routine bathing. Additionally, they are generally healthy cats who don’t need a lot of veterinary attention.

Scottish Fold

4. Scottish Fold

Scottish Folds are cats with folded ears. They are renowned for being kind and affectionate. Scottish Fold cats require little maintenance. They just require weekly brushing and an occasional bath. Additionally, they are generally healthy cats who don’t need a lot of veterinary attention.

Oriental Shorthair

5. Oriental Shorthair

Oriental Shorthairs have short, silky coats and long, lean bodies. They are renowned for being playful and energetic. Oriental Shorthair cats require little upkeep. They just require weekly brushing and an occasional bath. Additionally, they are generally healthy cats who don’t need a lot of veterinary attention.

Russian Blue

6. Russian Blue

Russian Blues are cats with short, blue coats. They are renowned for being kind and affectionate. Russian Blue cats require less upkeep. They just require weekly brushing and an occasional bath. Additionally, they are generally healthy cats who don’t need a lot of veterinary attention.


7. Maine Coon

The most commonly found domestic cat breed is the Maine Coon. They are renowned for their thick coats and large, bushy tails. They are renowned for being outgoing and amiable. Cats like Maine Coons require little care. They just require weekly brushing and an occasional bath. Additionally, they are generally healthy cats who don’t need a lot of veterinary attention.


8. Ragdoll

Ragdolls are cats that go limp when picked up. They are renowned for being kind and affectionate. Ragdoll cats require little maintenance. They just require weekly brushing and an occasional bath. Additionally, they are generally healthy cats who don’t need a lot of veterinary attention.


9. Abyssinian

Abyssinians are cats with short, ticked coats. They are renowned for being fun and vivacious. Abyssinians are relatively low-maintenance cats. They just require weekly brushing and an occasional bath. Additionally, they are generally healthy cats who don’t need a lot of veterinary attention.

Cornish Rex

10. Cornish Rex

Cornish Rexes are cats with curly coats. They are renowned for being friendly and playful. Cats like Cornish Rexes require little care. They just require weekly brushing and an occasional bath. Additionally, they are generally healthy cats who don’t need a lot of veterinary attention.

It’s crucial to take your lifestyle and personality into account when selecting a low-maintenance cat breed. Breeds vary in their levels of independence and activity. Some breeds are more independent than others. Taking into account your budget is essential because some breeds demand more maintenance than others.

If you are a busy person, you may want to consider a breed that is known for being laid-back and easygoing. The American Shorthair, British Shorthair, and Sphynx are a few excellent choices. Consider a breed like the Oriental Shorthair or the Russian Blue if you want a cat that is more active.

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