Refund and Returns Policy

Refunds and Returns Policy

At WhizzyCat, we want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, our policy for refunds and returns is based on the policy of the platform where you made your purchase.

If you made your purchase on Amazon, our refunds and returns policy is based on Amazon’s policy. You can find Amazon’s policy on refunds and returns here:

If you made your purchase on another platform, such as Walmart, our refunds and returns policy is based on that platform’s policy. You can find the policy for refunds and returns on the platform’s website.

Please note that our policy for refunds and returns is subject to change without notice, based on the policy of the platform where you made your purchase. We recommend that you review the platform’s policy for refunds and returns before making your purchase.

If you have any questions about our refunds and returns policy, please contact us at

Last updated: [4/20/2023]


Payment and Pricing

WhizzyCat accepts payment through the platform where you make your purchase, such as Amazon, Walmart, or other online retailers. The accepted payment methods may vary depending on the platform.

Pricing for our products is based on the price listed on the platform where you make your purchase. Prices may be subject to change without notice, but any changes will not affect orders that have already been placed.

If you wish to cancel an order, you may do so in accordance with the refund and cancellation policy of the platform where you made your purchase. For example, if you made your purchase on Amazon, you may refer to Amazon’s refund and cancellation policy for information on how to cancel your order.

Refunds and cancellations may be subject to certain fees and taxes, such as shipping and handling fees and sales tax. The specific fees and taxes may vary depending on the platform and your location.

If you have any questions about payment or pricing, please contact us at

Last updated: [4/20/2023]


Shipping Policy

At WhizzyCat, we want to ensure that your purchases are delivered to you as quickly and efficiently as possible. Our shipping policy is based on the policy of the platform where you made your purchase.

If you made your purchase on Amazon, our shipping policy is based on Amazon’s policy. You can find Amazon’s policy on shipping here:

If you made your purchase on another platform, such as Walmart, our shipping policy is based on that platform’s policy. You can find the policy for shipping on the platform’s website.

Please note that our shipping policy is subject to change without notice, based on the policy of the platform where you made your purchase. We recommend that you review the platform’s policy for shipping before making your purchase.

If you have any questions about our shipping policy, please contact us at

Last updated: [4/20/2023]
